Owner To Owner Podcast

Kate Biondo CEO of worker-owner Galactic Co-operative on starting and running their technology business

Episode Summary

This is episode 1 of 4 in the BCCM series on Coops and Mutuals. Kate Biondo CEO of Galactic Cooperative shares her insights on why the Coop model was central in getting starting, and the different day-to-day opportunities, rewards, and challenges the model throws up for the owners of this business.

Episode Notes

@KateBiondo is the #CEO of @GalacticCooperative which is a #workerownedcoop.

Kate is the first guest of a four-episode series on #cooperatives and #mutuals brought to you by @BCCM (Business Council of Cooperatives & Mutuals)

We chat about the decision to start business life as a cooperative, what that involved and the different benefits.  

In our discussion we cover;